Digital Assessment Literacy: The Need of Online Assessment Literacy and Online Assessment Literate Educators

  •  Farhat N. Husain    


Creation of reliable online assessments have always been a concern by educators, this research article provides an idea for providing professionals training development for creating online assessments for the inexperienced assessment literate teachers. The research has placed the importance on the training of the educators in the assessment literacy with a proposed model of utilization of Educational framework to create digital online assignments using IT integrated tools. This paper uses mixed method research and examines the need of training for the creation of reliable assessments and assessment literate educators which will caters to the different students’ abilities. To further explore and understand the training needs of the assessment literacy, this research provides an insight of the year 2020 result analysis, as it might add a new dimension towards the professional development for the online assessment literacy skills. The collected data was used as descriptive, inferential data which was further analyzed and compared to the pretest and the current collected primary data. The purpose of this study shows the importance of the online assessment literacy and the need of assessment literate trained educators who might support in identifying the training needs of online assessment with help of Bloom’s Model in connection with the digital Bloom’s taxonomy. As some experienced educators lack the need of literacy training skills in the online assessments, this proposed model would be beneficial for the educators, and could prepare them as future trainers.

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