Views of Academic Staff on Physical Education and Sports Teaching Undergraduate Program

  •  Berna Karakoc    


The general purpose of this study is to find out the views of academic staff working in schools of Physical Education and Sports or faculties of Sports Sciences regarding the physical education and sports teaching undergraduate program. While finding out the views of academic staff, the physical education and sports teaching undergraduate program was examined within 5 different themes under the titles of general evaluation of the program, evaluation of the learning-teaching process, advantages of the program, disadvantages of the program and recommendations relating to the program. Under the theme general evaluation of the program, 4 different sub-themes were examined separately as evaluation of applied courses, evaluation of courses on teaching profession, evaluation of courses on content knowledge and evaluation of general culture and elective courses. The most frequently used qualitative research method, interview technique, was used in the study. A total of 12 academic staff were interviewed. The interviews were voice recorded and transcribed. The transcribed data were evaluated with descriptive analysis method and coded. Interpretations were made by using codes. As a result in general the academic staff stated their views the need to increase the number of applied courses, opening new applied courses, increasing the number of field-specific theoretical courses and updating the program and also their views that vocational courses were sufficient and physical infrastructure was insufficient.

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