Vol. 9, No. 1 (2020), Earth Science Research
- Stratigraphy and Depositional Model of Palaeogene Dongying Braided-River Delta Sandstones, L Field, Bohai Bay Basin, Offshore Eastern China
- Qianping Zhang
- Zongbin Liu
- Xinwu Liao
- Hongying Li
- Yujuan Liu
- Bin Zheng
- p1
- Wetland River Flow Interaction in a Sedimentary Formation of the White Volta Basin of Ghana
- Benjamin Kofi Nyarko
- p15
- Assessment of Environmental Geochemistry of Lead-Zinc Mining at Ishiagu Area, Lower Benue Trough, Southeastern Nigeria
- Odika, P.O.
- Anike, O.L.
- Onwuemesi, A.G.
- Odika, N.F.
- Ejeckam, R.B.
- p31
- Petrographic Microscope Digital Image Processing Technique for Texture and Microstructure Interpretation of Earth Materials
- Beatriz M. Dias
- Victor F. Velázquez
- Rodrigo F. Lucena
- José M. Azevedo Sobrinho
- p58
- Three-Dimensional Analysis of Gate-Entry Stability in Multiple Seams Longwall Coal Mine Under Weak Rock Conditions
- Pisith Mao
- Takashi Sasaoka
- Hideki Shimada
- Akihiro Hamanaka
- Sugeng Wahyudi
- Jiro Oya
- Naung Naung
- p72
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
- Lesley LuoEditorial Assistant
- esr@ccsenet.org