Three-Dimensional Analysis of Gate-Entry Stability in Multiple Seams Longwall Coal Mine Under Weak Rock Conditions
- Pisith Mao
- Takashi Sasaoka
- Hideki Shimada
- Akihiro Hamanaka
- Sugeng Wahyudi
- Jiro Oya
- Naung Naung
A study of multiple seams longwall mining is proposed to investigate its applicability in Indonesia coal mine. The study area of this research is PT Gerbang Daya Mandiri (GDM) coal mine located in East Kalimantan Island. The study of seam interaction is crucial for developing multiple seams longwall mining especially when it comes to weak rock conditions which are usually found in most of the coal reserves in Indonesia. This paper will use numerical simulation to investigate the effect of the first mined-out seam on the development of the second coal seam gate-entry by considering a couple of key parameters including depth of the coal seam and interburden length. The simulation model consists of two main indicators for instability which include failure zone, the contour of safety factor. The results show that the effect of seam interaction on gate-entry has different intensity based on the thickness of the interburden and coal seam depth. This work also provided appropriate support configuration for maintaining the stability of gate-entry.