Vol. 8, No. 2 (2019), Earth Science Research
- Geophysical Data Processing for the Delineation of Tectonic Lineaments in South Cameroon
- Quentin Marc Anaba Fotze
- Charles Antoine Basseka
- Anatole Eugene Djieto Lordon
- Albert Eyike Yomba
- Yves Shandini
- Jean Marie Tadjou
- p1
- Earthquake Prediction in Physical Effects
- Yaozhi Jiang
- p17
- A Single-Domain Implementation of the Voigt/Complex Error Function by Vectorized Interpolation
- S. M. Abrarov
- B. M. Quine
- R. Siddiqui
- R. K. Jagpal
- p52
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
- Lesley LuoEditorial Assistant
- esr@ccsenet.org