Geomorphic Evaluation of Valley of Flower Region Bhyunder Ganga Catchment, Chamoli District, Uttarakhand Using: Remote Sensing & GIS Technology
- Khanduri Kamlesh
- Singh Avtar
- Singh Prabhbir
- Tiwari Kuldeep
Geomorphology is the science of evolution of landforms in terms of its lithology, structures, basin geometry and other morphometric factors. In this small study, various gemorphological parameters are covering the Bhyunder Ganga Catchment. The main object is to map the land system into further various Landform unit and features through geomorphic approach in Bhyunder Ganga Catchment. Geomorphologic maps were prepared using Satellite images (Landsat ETM+, TM, MSS, ASTER, SRTM) and digital SOI topographic sheet of the region; this was further updated during post field work. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) generation based on topographical sheet was prepared for creating relief map, slope map, aspect map and 3D visualization in addition to drainage map with the help of topographical sheets, the generation of various thematic layers has also been developed. Land Use/Cover over the study area has been analyzed for the time periods of 2008 .The major proportion in land use is the snow cover (53.20%). Other landuse are barren land (22%), dense forest, open forest, built up and water bodies occupy only 24.8% area of catchment. Various theme maps (erosion intensity, LST) were generated for GIS study analysis is done to analyze the instability and morphology of the catchment area.