Vol. 7, No. 3 (2017), Environment and Natural Resources Research
- Managed Migration of Coast Redwoods: Subjectivity of Stakeholders in Oregon’s Land Use Planning Community
- Jeffrey Jenkins
- Michael W. Jenkins
- p1
- Increase in the Number of Hot Days for Decades in Puerto Rico 1950-2014
- Rafael Mendez-Tejeda
- p16
- Applying Biomimetic Principles to Thermoelectric Cooling Devices for Water Collection
- Kyle B Davidson
- Bahram Asiabanpour
- Zaid Almusaied
- p27
- Applications of Hydrochemical Models for Groundwater in Korea
- Jong Yeon Hwang
- Sunhwa Park
- Moon-Su Kim
- Hun-Je Jo
- Gyong–Mi Lee
- Sang Ho Jeon
- Da Hee Song
- Deok-Hyun Kim
- Tae-Seung Kim
- Hyen Mi Chung
- Hyun-Koo Kim
- p51
- Karst Conduit Networks, Connectivity and Recharge Dynamics of a Sinkhole
- Nara Somaratne
- p70
- Spatial Analysis of Salt Heterogeneity in a Central Californian Grape Field
- Florence Cassel
- Shankar Sharma
- p89
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Journal Metrics
Google-based Impact Factor (2016): 6.22
h-index (November 2017): 12
i10-index (November 2017): 19
h5-index (November 2017): 11
h5-median (November 2017): 12
- Emily LinEditorial Assistant
- enrr@ccsenet.org