Need Analysis: An Invaluable Step for Successful Autonomous Learning

  •  Sharmin Sultana    


English as a lingua franca now requires the Bangladeshi people to learn this global language with the current demands of the competitive world. What is widely accepted is that a vast majority of Bangladeshi graduates are neither capable to stand out globally as efficient communicators in English nor accomplished enough to meet the challenges of the real world which implies that there are some short comings with the fulfillment of their needs. Hence, the paper investigates the complex world of multi-faced needs of the students at tertiary level, and highlights core consideration for analyzing these needs through a keen eye on the roots of problems. The research combines not only qualitative but also quantitative methods where research paradigm is pragmatic. Finally, the paper shows that need analysis can certainly be invaluable in successful implementation of autonomous learning among students enabling them to take responsibilities of learning in their own hands.

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