Indonesian EFL Teachers Professional Knowledge Development during Their Participation in TSG: A Case Study

  •  Feni Munifatullah    
  •  Bachrudin Musthafa    
  •  Wachyu Sundayana    


The study examines three new EFL teachers professional knowledge development through discussion in a Teacher Study Group (TSG) in Indonesian (Asian) context. These three participants have less than five year-teaching experience and teach junior high schools in Bandarlampung in the time of the study. The data were collected through audio-visual recorded observation of TSG sessions teaching practice. They were converted into written trasncription. The analysis signifies that group discussion recalls participants’ case knowledge from distant experience while group reflection explores participants’ practical knowledge from their own immediate practice. Some of the knowledge is still fragmented and some has been integrated into pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). Both TSG group theme-based discussion and collaborative reflection manage to explore participants’ professional knowledge.

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