Modernity in Two Great American Writers’ Vision: Ernest Miller Hemingway and Scott Fitzgerald

  •  Fahimeh Keshmiri    
  •  Shahla Darzikola    


Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway, American memorable novelists have had philosophic ideas about modernity. In fact their idea about existential interests of American, and the effects of American system on society, is mirrored in their creative works. All through his early works, Fitzgerald echoes the existential center of his era. Obviously, we recognize Hemingway’s vision of modernity in formation of his own philosophies of life, death, and art in what is known as Hemingway’s characteristic philosophy, Code, and Code Heroes. In this article, among the numerous characteristics illuminating these two writer’s vision of America, the main themes of their foremost works have been analyzed with regard to some Critic’s viewpoints regarding these two, literary masters. Critics see Fitzgerald both as a chronicler, and a perceptive social critic who is totaling the “dilemmas of philosophy” in his art. Indeed, what in American critics’ view is a fatalistic philosophy, with the darker side of life, existentialist critics consider as a prophetic optimism and an absurdist vision that places Hemingway in the ranks of a “guide “prophet of those who are without faith”.

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