English as a Foreign Language at the University of Yaounde 1: Attitudes and Pedagogic Practices

  •  Eric Ekembe Enongene    


Learners’ goals and attitudes constitute an essential determinant of how they learn the target language. Whether positive or negative, they determine classroom practices and are affected by what happens in the classroom (Dörnyei 2003). The complex relationship between learners’ attitudes and the actual teaching of English as a foreign language at the University of Yaounde 1 challenges the purpose for which English is learned. Given the increasing space and awareness English is gaining around the world, its teaching deserves more attention than is given at the university level in Cameroon. From a survey of 966 students and 27 teachers this paper examines how the attitudes of current EFL learners at the Yaounde 1 University are affected by the actual teaching of English from a process oriented perspective. Teacher practices account for learners’ negative attitudes towards English on a significant note. While this has implications for both academic policies and professional training in general, the question of a more situated framework for training is emphasised.

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