World Englishes, English as an International Language and Applied Linguistics



The study discusses World Englishes (WEs) in relation to English as an International Language (EIL) and Applied Linguistics. Taking into account Kachru's interesting but at the same time controversial debate about the status of English in its varieties, which is commonly called WEs and the opposing ideas presented by Quirk, it is aimed to present an overview of these discussions, providing some examples. Kachru's three concentric circles, the Interlanguage theory, Standard English and English as a Lingua France (ELF) were paid special attention while touching upon the controversial debates on World Englishes. Moreover, following these discussions on Wes, EIL and Applied Linguistics, some questions tried to be answered about teaching and teacher education, seeing that the  uses of English internationally are not just related to the Expanding Circle, but also it includes native speakers as well as members of the Outer Circle.

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