Directed Motivational Currents Under DST: A Critical Review

  •  Songwei Liu    


"Directed motivational currents" (DMCs) represent a novel construct within L2 motivation theory, extensively utilized in the domain of second language acquisition research. Initially introduced by Dörnyei (2013), DMCs describe a state of complete immersion in a task, aligning with the dynamic systems theory (DST), particularly during the socio-dynamic phase of L2 motivation. At the outset, Dörnyei was inspired by the 'flow experience' introduced by Csikszentmihalyi in 1975. This review centers on the construct of 'directed motivational currents' in accordance with the complex dynamic systems theory (DST). Consequently, the four significant periods in second language (L2) motivation, the complex dynamic systems theory, as well as the characteristics and dimensions of DMCs will be expounded. Additionally, this article begins with presenting its origin and reflecting on how the research of DMCs has evolved over time. This can be categorized into its validity, its application in teaching, the triggers and mediating forces involved, and its relationship with other concepts. Critiques regarding it will also be provided.

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