Research on the Promotion of EAP Teachers' Information Literacy under TPACK Framework in the Era of Digital Intelligence

  •  Yu Chen    


Foreign language education is steadily transitioning into the digital teaching era, driven by advancements in digital information technology and artificial intelligence. The integration of digitalization technology into English for Academic Purposes (EAP) instruction imposes increasingly demanding prerequisites on EAP educators' information literacy within the pedagogical landscape. Employing the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework, this paper conducts a comprehensive examination of the knowledge components and distinctive attributes of EAP instructors in the age of digital intelligence. Through an in-depth assessment of the information literacy of EAP educators at a science and technology university, this study unveils a spectrum of challenges pertinent to information literacy in the domain of academic English instruction. Subsequently, the paper offers a set of recommendations for enhancing the information literacy competencies of academic English instructors, with the overarching objective of shedding light on the professional development of EAP educators.

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