Exploring EFL University Teachers’ Technology Integration to Promote Thai EFL University Students’ Critical Thinking Skills

  •  Sathaphon Rungsawang    
  •  Suphawat Pookcharoen    


The purpose of the study was to investigate EFL university teachers' lived experiences with technology integration in order to foster critical thinking skills among Thai EFL university students. To explore teachers’ experiences, a phenomenological qualitative research approach was implemented. There were 16 EFL university teachers who were purposefully selected to participate in the study because they could provide valuable experiences relating to utilizing technologies to foster critical thinking skills in English language classrooms. Phenomenological semi-structured interviews and class observations were used to elicit teachers' experiences. The field notes obtained from the class observations were organized, and the data derived from the interviews were transcribed. The significant statements relating to promoting critical thinking skills through the use of technology in English language instruction were highlighted, and those statements were clustered into different units of meanings or themes. The findings revealed that utilizing different technologies to conduct English language learning activities encouraged specific aspects of critical thinking skills, namely exploring additional information, sharing thoughts and perspectives, analyzing information, and giving reasons to strengthen opinions. Additionally, by integrating a range of technology, those aspects of critical thinking abilities were promoted in specific English language skills. Further findings of the study regarding problems and their solutions for implementing technologies to promote critical thinking skills in English classrooms were discussed later.

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