Bottom-up Processing (BUP) for Decoding in Teaching Listening Skills: Analysis, Issues and Suggested Activities
This conceptual study focuses on the importance of bottom-up processing (BUP) for enhancing EFL / ESL learners’ decoding ability in listening skills. As observed by the researcher and reviewed in the literature, bottom-up processing for decoding is found to be an often-neglected area in the teaching of listening skills in the field of ELT. As a result of this, the foreign or second language learners of English are at risk in their competency in comprehending proficient speakers of English especially when they are exposed to ungraded realife spoken English outside their regular lessons. To address this issue effectively, learners and teachers of English should be made aware of the significance of BUP in terms of different listening issues faced by learners. Moreover, the stake holders (planners, teachers, and students) should have a clear plan of action to address these issues to the benefit of learners. Sufficient awareness of the concept of bottom-up processing for decoding in listening skills, issues faced by learners due to lack of it, and a well thought out action to deal with the issues, therefore, can help learners of English to improve their listening skills and comprehension contributing to their enhanced language proficiency. The paper, therefore, incorporates the methodology of reviewing relevant literarature based on the researcher’s belief on the significance of bottom-up processing for teaching listening skills. Besides the analysis of the concept of BUP, the paper includes some learner issues, and it suggests some listening activities to remedy the issues.