Teachers’ Attitude towards Inclusive Education: The Case of Algerian Middle School Teachers of English
- Ahmed Chaouki HOADJLI
- Khadidja LATRACHE
Students with special educational needs have largely been marginalised from regular schools. As the 1900s drew to a close, the Education of All Handicapped Children Act put an end to child segregation from regular schools as an attempt to prevailing equity amongst students and promoting individual differences. Accordingly, disabled students started studying alongside their same-age peers in regular schools. This step requires from teachers to renew their teaching methods and differentiate instruction to meet all students’ needs. Inclusive Education is a teaching approach which considers students’ diverse needs and works on meeting those needs through differentiating instruction. This study aims to explore teachers’ readiness to differentiate instruction to embrace students’ needs and bypass problems associated with disabled students. Methodologically, a qualitative study was carried out principally focusing on a survey and focus group. A sample of 74 in-service middle school teachers of English was chosen as an attempt to provide a more comprehensive picture of their readiness and attitude towards the integration of inclusive education in English courses at middle schools. Ultimately, the analysis of the findings indicated that middle school teachers are ready to integrate inclusive education in their classes as a useful input to meet students’ diverse needs.