Tensor Satisfying Binary Law for the Equation Including the Trigonometric Function
- Koji Ichidayama
I already reported that A;ν;σ;λμ=∂3Aμ∂xν∂xσ∂xλ+⋯ must be expressed in A;ν;ν;νμ=∂3Aμ∂xν∂xν∂xν=A if A;ν;σ;λμ=∂3Aμ∂xν∂xσ∂xλ+⋯ was tensor satisfying Binary Law. I reported that Aμ=Sinxν was established from the search result of the property of this ∂3Aμ∂xν∂xν∂xν=A. A trigonometric function is included in Aμ=Sinxν here, but the search about the equation of Tensor satisfying Binary Law including the trigonometric function isn't done. I report the search result about the equation of Tensor satisfying Binary Law including the trigonometric function in this article.
- Full Text: PDF
- DOI:10.5539/apr.v16n1p48
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
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