Response of Wheat Crop to Potassium Fertilization Under Rain-fed Conditions in Semi-arid Regions
- Asad Mohd Fathi Amin AlKhader
- Amal Al-Khatib
- Awad Kaabneh
- Ali Mahasneh
- Elaf Obeidat
- Yahya Bani Khalaf
- Ahmad Bataineh
- Isra Salem
- Shahnaz Absharat
Wheat is regarded as one of the major field crops that are mainly grown under rain-fed conditions in Jordan. However, wheat productivity is relatively lower than the world average. This is primarily due to the prevailing drought conditions as a result of poor distribution and low amounts of rainfall. Research studies showed that K can markedly improve wheat yield and quality under water deficit conditions. The objective of the current study was to investigate the effect of soil-applied mineral potassium (K) fertilizer on the yield and growth parameters of two local durum wheat varieties under rain-fed conditions in Jordan. And to determine the rate of K needed to obtain the optimum wheat yield. Two field trials were conducted under rain-fed conditions in two locations in Jordan. Two local durum wheat varieties were grown during two successive growing seasons. Five different rates of K were applied at sowing time. A randomized complete block design with four replications was followed. The results showed that soil K application exhibited a significant effect on wheat crop grain and biological yields of both varieties at the two locations. However, an increasing trend in plant height, harvest index, and thousand-grain weight with increasing K application rate was noticed. Potassium application to soil can alleviate the adverse effects of drought stress on the wheat crop by improving growth and yield attributes.