The Influence of Transformational Leadership Style to Performance of Islamic Bank Bank with Work Motivation as a Mediating Variable
- Muchran B. L.
- Muchriady Muchran
This study aims to examine and analyse the influence of transformational leadership style to performance of Islamic bank Bank with work motivation as a mediating variable. Achievement of objectives of Islamic banking organizations and individuals as well as members of units simultaneously organization is the primary task of a leader. A leader can influence his followers are required to execute commands without using coercion, so that subordinates voluntarily behave and perform as demanded by the organization through referrals leaders. Transformational leadership not only recognizes the needs of subordinates, but also trying to trying to improve the needs of lower levels to higher levels to the level established. The sample of this research was Islamic Bank Employees on South Sulawesi. Repeated measure t-test was used to analyse the data in which the significance was determined by p<0.05. The result showed that Transformational Leadership Style to Work Motivation significant effect. Transformational leadership style to performance of Islamic bank showed no significant effect. Work motivation to performance of Islamic bank showed no significant effect.