Students’ Civil Identity Formation in Multicultural Educational Space of School and Tertiary Institution

  •  Salfira I. Zamaletdinova    
  •  Goulsia Kh. Akhmetshina    
  •  Larisa R. Khrapal    


The relevance of the topic is determined by the search for the ways to improve one of the vital personality features, identity and civil identity as a driving motive in upbringing the younger generation. The aim of the paper is to reveal the content of the patriotic education model as a factor of forming civil identity of school and institute students being in multicultural education space and to define the organizing pedagogical conditions for its effective realization. The main approach to this problem research is competence approach which allows students to summon the acquired knowledge, skills, experience and ways of behavior in some definite situation or definite activity. The article may be useful for improvement the content and methods of educational work at educational institutes and the system of teachers’ professional development.

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