Considering the Power of Contemporary Poland – Hans J. Morgenthau’s Inspirations and Some Remarks on the Power Relations in East-Central Europe
This article refers to Hans J. Morgenthau’s concept of power as a useful background in the analysis of power of contemporary Poland and its neighbours – Germany and Russia. It considers some problems with the evaluation of power of Poland as well as some specific features of the power relations in East-Central Europe. Considering the idea of power present in Morgenthau’s political thought the author indicates the flexibility of this concept as well as some Morgenthau’s warnings against a narrow and single-factor understanding of power. Discussing the power of Poland the article underlines both material and some less tangible factors, including the social reception of the liberal reforms. The relations of Poland with Russia and Germany illustrate the relative character of power as both neigbours remain much more powerful countries in any aspects of power defined by Morgenthau. Besides, the Morgenthau’s concept of power helps to identify some regional problems that may destabilize the political relations in Europe. Thus the effective Polish foreign policy should be based on the proper evaluation of power and intentions of its two key neigbours as well as the understanding of mechanisms accompanying the power relations in the region.