Roma Minorities in Post-Communist Bulgaria and the U.S. Visa Regime
- Rossen Petkov
- Atanaska Mindevska
The inclusion in the Visa Waiver Programme (VWP) would mean more favourable development of the relationships between Bulgaria and the USA. It would also serve as recognition of the economic, political and social stability of the country. However, membership in the program is not automatic. In the past, Bulgaria has made significant progress, but there are still pending areas that hinder the finalization of the process. Specifically, Bulgaria is facing very difficult issues with its minority Roma population and its integration within its boundaries. In this paper, we will evaluate the Roma’s socio-economic difficulties that they have to deal with, specifically as workers in this region. In order to complete the task, we would evaluate the historical background of the Bulgarian Roma. Specifically, we would analyse the political movement post-communism as it relates to the VWP. We believe that Bulgaria needs to support its minority Roma population and such social reforms would help the country to establish itself and to help enter into the VWP list. Bulgaria could implement programs in relationships with the “other 3 EU Member omitted States” and together work towards the inclusion in the US Visa Waiver Programme and resolution of its population issues. We believe that a coordinated strategy would help all the member states and would solve the issue in the shortest possible time and help the country enter the VWP quicker.