Biodanza and the Implementation of the Principle of Biocentric Education in Kindergartens

  •  Gila Cohen Zilka    


This study examined the introduction of biodanza to kindergartens together with the implementation of the principle of biocentric education, with emphasis on affectivity, to create an affectionate climate and to encourage meaningful interactions between children, and between the kindergarten staff and the children. The research question was: How would introducing biodanza and implementing biocentric education in kindergartens achieve these objectives? This was a qualitative study. The data were collected in Israel in the years 2017-2019. The study findings show that biodanza in kindergartens allowed for situations that required children to deal with emotional and social aspects of their interactions. As a result, positivity resonance in the kindergarten intensified greatly, and the atmosphere became more and more affectionate, accepting, and sharing, and positive gestures increased substantially. Communication between the kindergarten staff and the children underwent a change and became considerably more affectionate, compared to what it had been at the beginning of the process.

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