The Improvement of Capital Budgeting at the State Level in the USA

  •  Natalia Ermasova    


This study examines capital budgeting processes at the state level in the USA. This research examines the effects of economic decline on changes in capital budgeting practices. The secondary sources of information were analyzed, including data from state web-sites, Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) data, and National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO) reports. Based on these analytical materials, the author choose capital budgeting practices of following states as the examples of the successful use of analytics, data, and performance information: California, Delaware, Georgia, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, New York, Oregon, and Vermont. The result of this research will improve the knowledge about best practice in capital planning and budgeting and, finally, will contribute to greater efficiency in capital spending within state and without states. This research will expand knowledge of successful use of analytics, data, and performance information in capital budgeting processes across boundaries for practicing planners, developers, budget analytics, debt managers, and policy makers in the areas of regional collaboration, capital planning, and capital budgeting. This study expands knowledge of capital budgeting “best practices” for practicing planners, developers, budget analytics, debt managers, and policy makers in the areas of capital planning, financing, and budgeting.

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