On Theory of logarithmic Poisson Cohomology

  •  Joseph Dongho    
  •  Alphonse Mbah    
  •  Shuntah Roland Yotcha    


We define the notion of logarithmic Poisson structure along a non zero ideal $\cali$ of an associative, commutative algebra $\cal A$ and prove that each logarithmic Poisson structure induce a skew
symmetric 2-form and a Lie-Rinehart structure on the $\cal A$-module $\Omega_K(\log \cali)$ of logarithmic K\"{a}hler differential. This Lie-Rinehart structure define a representation of the underline Lie algebra. Applying the machinery of Chevaley-Eilenberg and Palais, we define the notion of logarithmic Poisson cohomology which is a measure obstructions of Linear representation of the underline Lie algebra for which the grown ring act by multiplication.

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