Eccentric Coloring of a Graph

  •  Medha Huilgol    
  •  Syed Asif Ulla S.    


The \emph{eccentricity} $e(u)$ of a vertex $u$ is the maximum distance of $u$ to any other vertex of $G$. A vertex $v$ is an \emph{eccentric vertex} of vertex $u$ if the distance from $u$ to $v$ is equal to $e(u)$. An \emph{eccentric coloring} of a graph $G = (V, E)$ is a function \emph{color}: $ V \rightarrow N$ such that\\
(i) for all $u, v \in V$, $(color(u) = color(v)) \Rightarrow d(u, v) > color(u)$.\\
(ii) for all $v \in V$, $color(v) \leq e(v)$.\\
The \emph{eccentric chromatic number}  $\chi_{e}\in N$ for a graph $G$ is the lowest number of colors for which it is possible to eccentrically color \ $G$ \ by colors: $V \rightarrow \{1, 2, \ldots , \chi_{e} \}$. In this paper, we have considered eccentric colorability of a graph in relation to other properties. Also, we have considered the eccentric colorability of lexicographic product of some special class of graphs.

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