Factor Analysis of Differences in Biomass Accumulations between Male and Female \emph{Populus Cathayana} Deedlings under Drought Stress

  •  Yao Chen    


The main influential factor of biomass accumulations between male and female \emph{Populus cathayana} seedlings is investigated from the point of factor analysis according to biomass of \emph{P. cathayana} seedlings under drought stress as well as related morphological, physiological, and biochemical indicators. The results shows that biomass accumulations in male and female plants under drought stress are mainly associated with stem dry mass (SDM), root dry mass (RDM), height growth (HG), basal diameter (BD), total leaf number (TLN) and other morphologic changes, and have little relation with intrinsic water use efficiency (WUE). There is sex differences in the mode of biomass accumulation between male and female plants. Biomass accumulation in female plants depends on morphologic changes, followed by hormonal regulation, and finally physiological progress. However, biomass accumulation in male plants depends on morphologic changes (similar to female plants), followed by physiological progress, and finally hormonal regulation. Moreover, biomass accumulation in female plants on the morphologic aspects mainly depends on SDM, while is not relevant to TLN. However, male plants mainly depend on SDM, and have relationship with TLN. In sum, our study demonstrates that biomass accumulations in male and female \emph{P. cathayana} seedlings under drought stress have different strategies.

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