Motivic Hypercohomology Solutions in Field Theory and Applications in H-States
Triangulated derived categories are considered which establish a commutative scheme (triangle) for determine or compute a hypercohomology of motives for the obtaining of solutions of the field equations. The determination of this hypercohomology arises of the derived category $\textup{DM}_{\textup {gm}}(k)$, which is of the motivic objects whose image is under $\textup {Spec}(k)$ that is to say, an equivalence of the underlying triangulated tensor categories, compatible with respective functors on $\textup{Sm}_{k}^{\textup{Op}}$. The geometrical motives will be risked with the moduli stack to holomorphic bundles. Likewise, is analysed the special case where complexes $C=\mathbb{Q}(q)$, are obtained when cohomology groups of the isomorphism $H_{\acute{e}t}^{p}(X,F_{\acute{e}t})\cong (X,F_{Nis})$, can be vanished for $p>\textup{dim}(Y)$. We observe also the Beilinson-Soul$\acute{e}$ vanishing conjectures where we have the vanishing $H^{p}(F,\mathbb{Q}(q))=0, \ \ \textup{if} \ \ p\leq0,$ and $q>0$, which confirms the before established. Then survives a hypercohomology $\mathbb{H}^{q}(X,\mathbb{Q})$. Then its objects are in $\textup{Spec(Sm}_{k})$. Likewise, for the complex Riemannian manifold the integrals of this hypercohomology are those whose functors image will be in $\textup{Spec}_{H}\textup{SymT(OP}_{L_{G}}(D))$, which is the variety of opers on the formal disk $D$, or neighborhood of all point in a surface $\Sigma$. Likewise, will be proved that $\mathrm{H}^{\vee}$, has the decomposing in components as hyper-cohomology groups which can be characterized as H- states in Vec$_\mathbb{C}$, for field equations $d \textup{da}=0$, on the general linear group with $k=\mathbb{C}$. A physics re-interpretation of the superposing, to the dual of the spectrum $\mathrm{H}^{\vee}$, whose hypercohomology is a quantized version of the cohomology space $H^{q}(Bun_{G},\mathcal{D}^{s})=\mathbb{H}^{q}_{G[[z]]}(\mathrm{G},(\land^{\bullet}[\Sigma^{0}]\otimes \mathbb{V}_{critical},\partial))$ is the corresponding deformed derived category for densities $\mathrm{h} \in \mathrm{H}$, in quantum field theory.