Analysis of Thickness and Layering of Overburden Materials of Volcanic Craters on the Biu Plateau, Borno State, Nigeria
- John Abdullahi
- J.K. Nyanganji
- M. U. Mijinyawa
This research examined the thickness and Layering of Overburden Materials of volcanic craters on the Biuplateau. The objectives of the study are to identify the craters, the geomorphic processes involved in theirmodifications; analysed the thickness and Layering of the overburden materials of the craters. Data used for thisresearch were generated from field observations, topographic map and resistivity sounding. Three sampledcraters namely Kumba, Tilla and Jali Tagurmi were purposively selected for the study. The thickness of theoverburden in the crater were determined using the SAS ABEM 300C sounding technique at ten sample points.The data were processed and interpreted using the IXID inversion computer software. Denudational processesobserved on the rims of the craters include weathering, sheet, rill, gully erosions and mass wasting (rock fall, soilcreep, debris creep and slides). Results showed that there are fourteen craters on the Biu plateau; four large (>300m) in diameter, five medium (200-300m) and five small (< 200m). The resistivity sounding results revealedthat most of graphic curve models belong to the K and KH while layered models ranges from three to four layersbeneath each VES station. The lithology could be described as clay, weathered Basalt, partly weathered/fractured Basement and newer basalt. The resistivity values of the layered models ranges from 18.16 to 2280.6?hm across the three craters. Based on the thickness of the overburden, it is evident that the materials depositedon the floor of the crater were eroded from the rims of the craters. From the findings of the research it isrecommended that public enlightenment campaign on environmental management be conducted, sustainableenvironmental management of land based resources be ensured.- Full Text:
- DOI:10.5539/jgg.v7n2P85
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