Vol. 5, No. 1 (2016), Journal of Food Research
- Malting Process Effects on Antioxidant Activity of Finger Millet and Amaranth Grains
- Sara Najdi Hejazi
- Valerie Orsat
- p1
- Food Offer, Chronic Diarrhea and Preparedness to Alimentary Diabetes from the Second Year of Life Onwards
- Mario Ciampolini
- Lorenzo Borselli
- p18
- Characterization of Algerian Honey from Tiaret Region and Immunoassay Study of Its Immunomodulatory Effect in BALB/c Mice
- Yamina MEHDI
- Soraya DJEBARA
- Khadidja BENAHMED
- Amina BENALI
- Mohammed BENALI
- p26
- FFM Index, FM Index and PBF in Subjects with Normal, Overweight, and Obese BMI in Saudi Arabia Female Population
- Eyad Al Shammari
- Rafia Bano
- Epuru Suneetha
- Abtsam Alshammri
- p40
- Consumer Responses to Proposed Instructions for Cooking Mechanically Tenderized Beef Steaks
- M. D. Klassen
- C. O. Gill
- p49
- The Ergonomic Design of Bent-Handled Wok for Female Cooks’ Wok Flipping Task
- Swei-Pi Wu
- Chien-Chung Jen
- Chien-Hsin Yang
- Te-Hong Chien
- Chia-Hui Lin
- p58
- Effect of Blending and the Simultaneous Ingestion of a Probiotic Containing Oxalate-Degrading Bacteria on Oxalate Absorption
- Michael Liebman
- Jane Walukano
- p75
- Impact of a Pilot Intervention to Improve Nutrition Knowledge and Cooking Confidence Among Low-Income Individuals
- Stacey Driver
- Carol Friesen
- p88
- Growth Performance and Feed Utilization of Clarias gariepinus (Teugels) Fed Different Dietary Levels of Soaked Bauhinia Monandra (Kutz) Seed Meal
- B. I. Balogun
- S. J. Oniye
- J. Auta
- C. A. M. Lakpini
- F. O. Abeke
- p97
- Employee and Customer Reactions to a Healthy In-Store Marketing Intervention in Supermarkets
- Erica Davis
- ALexis Wojtanowski
- Stephanie Weiss
- Gary Foster
- Allison Karpyn
- Karen Glanz
- p107
- Effect of Sodium Caseinates Addition on the Rheological Properties of Kefir during Gel Formation
- Kleio Antoniou
- Stylianos Exarhopoulos
- Stylianos Raphaelides
- Georgia Dimitreli
- Apostolos Thomareis
- p114
- Effect of Kefiran and Milk Proteins Addition on the Rheological Behavior of Glucono-delta-Lactone Induced Milk Gels
- Georgia Dimitreli
- Stylianos Exarhopoulos
- Athanasios Goulas
- Kleio Antoniou
- Stylianos Raphaelides
- p121
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