Vol. 4, No. 4 (2015), Journal of Food Research
- Acute Effects of Energy Drinks on Behavioural Sanctions in Secondary School Children: A Preliminary Study
- Gareth Richards
- Nick Millward
- Philip Evans
- James Rogers
- Andrew Smith
- p1
- Effect of Burdock Root and the Fermented Product on Alloxan-Induced Mouse Hyperglycemia
- Wakana Doi
- Yumi Asada
- Ayaka Ohno
- Yoshiko Okuda
- Shota Masuda
- Ayano Matsumoto
- Chihiro Mori
- Takaya Agarie
- Kohji Ishihara
- Takayuki Murakami
- Noriyoshi Masuoka
- p10
- Impact of Chemical and Non-Chemical Thinning Treatments on Yield and Fruit Quality of Date Palm
- Mohamed Al Saikhan
- Abdel-Kader Sallam
- p18
- Physico-Chemical and Microbiological Characteristics of Gundpak – A Traditional Milk Product of Nepal
- Pushpa Acharya
- Ganga Kharel
- Ramakrishna Chetana
- p30
- Effects of Baru Almond and Brazil Nut Against Hyperlipidemia and Oxidative Stress In Vivo
- Daniela Fernandes
- Aline Alves
- Gabriela Castro
- Alceu Jordao Junior
- Maria Margareth Naves
- p38
- Raspberry and Strawberry Addition Improves Probiotic Viability in Yogurt and Possess Antioxidant Activity
- Aynur Gunenc
- Susanna Fang
- Farah Hosseinian
- p47
- Effects of Tea (Camellia sinensis) Phytochemicals on the Yoghurt Cultures (Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus) During Development and Storage of Tea Fortified Yoghurts
- Simon Ochanda
- John Wanyoko
- Abdul Faraj
- Christine Onyango
- Henrik Ruto
- p59
- Bioavailability of Mineral Nutrients in Plantain Based Product Enriched With Bambara Groundnut Protein Concentrate
- David Kiin-Kabari
- Sunday Giami
- Boisa Ndokiari
- p74
- Changes in Quality Attributes During Storage of Litchi Juice Treated With Dimethyl Dicarbonate (DMDC) and Nisin
- Huanli Guo
- Yuanshan Yu
- Gengsheng Xiao
- Yujuan Xu
- Jijun Wu
- p81
- Chemical and Mineral Composition of Amaranth (Amaranthus L.) Species Collected From Central Malawi
- Nathan Kachiguma
- Weston Mwase
- Moses Maliro
- Alex Damaliphetsa
- p92
- The Impact of Regulating Bluefin Tuna Exports on the Japanese Tuna Market
- Takashi Ishida
- p103
- Antihyperlipidaemic and Antioxidant Potential of Fermented Citrullus vulgaris Seeds (Thunb.) on Tyloxapol-induced Hyperlipidaemic Rats: A Comparison With Fluvastatin
- Aderonke Ayo-Lawal
- Omolaja Osoniyi
- Akindele Famurewa
- p110
- Use of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) for the Analysis of Amino Acid of Sulawesi and Local Clone Cocoa Bean Fermentation
- St. Sabahannur
- . Mursalim
- Laode Asrul
- Mariyati Bilang
- p120
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