Vol. 8, No. 3 (2019), Journal of Food Research
- Postharvest Physiology, Biochemistry and Quality Management of Chili Plum (Spondias purpurea var. Lutea): A Review
- Majeed Mohammed
- Puran Bridgemohan
- Owen Graham
- Lynda Wickham
- Ronell S. H. Bridgemohan
- Zareef Mohammed
- p1
- A Behavioral Assessment of College Students’ Knowledge, Awareness, and Consumption on Snack Foods That May Contain Probiotics
- Sarah A. Sorensen
- Cheryl R. Rock
- Dustin M. Moore
- Rachel E. Blaine
- Christine B. Costa
- p16
- An Assessment of Total Polyphenolic Content and Antioxidant Potential of Mauby Bark Extracts (Colubrina arborescens) Brewed for Different Lengths of Time
- Jeremy Embola
- Cheryl Rock
- Long Wang
- Wendy Reiboldt
- Saba Ahmed
- Simindokht Aliabadi
- p26
- A Comparison of the Polyphenolic and Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Cold Brew versus Hot Brew Black Tea (Camellia Sinensis, Theaceae)
- Chathuranga Manhari Magammana
- Cheryl Rosita Rock
- Long Wang
- Virginia Gray
- p35
- Product Development Considerations of Flaxseed Supplementation for the Aging Population: A Pilot Study
- Jenny Y. Nguyen
- Cheryl R. Rock
- Virginia B. Gray
- Maria Claver
- Christine Costa
- p42
- Effect of Processing Methods on the Physicochemical, Mineral and Carotene Content of Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato (OFSP)
- J. Eke-Ejiofor
- B. U. Onyeso
- p50
- Study of Four Onion Varieties Drying Kinetics in an Oven and a Solar Greenhouse
- Ngoné Fall Beye
- Nicolas Cyrille Ayessou
- Cheikhou Kane
- Mariame Niang Mbaye
- Cheikh Talla
- Abdou Sene
- Codou Mar Diop
- p59
- Evaluation of a Real Time PCR Assay and a ELISA Method for the Detection of Walnuts and Almonds Allergen Traces in Food Products
- Dimitra Houhoula
- Spiridon Andreas Papatheodorou
- Dimitra Moschou
- Sofia Pappa
- Nikolaos Tsaatazoglou
- Stamatios Koussissis
- John Tsaknis
- Vladimiros Lougovois
- Jan F. M. Van Impe
- Efstathia Tsakali
- p71
- Effect of Soy Concentrate, Oat (Avena sativa) Flour and Chia Seeds (Salvia hispanica) as a Partial Substitute of Wheat Flour (Triticum aestivum) on Protein Content, Dietary Fiber Content, Textural Shelf Life and Organoleptic Properties of Breadsticks
- Mariel Angélica Reyes Rendón
- Esther Pérez Carrillo
- Sara Guajardo Flores
- p77
- Development of Probiotic “creamy requeijão” Formulations Containing Lactobacillus Strains
- Viviane Lívia C. Souza
- Moysés Estevão S. F. Pehrson
- Ismael M. Mancilha
- p86
- Hypercholesterolemia Risk Related to Consumption of Palm Oil Produced in Côte d’Ivoire
- Béhibolo A. Yoboué
- Djedjro C. Akmel
- Zita EB. N’Goran-Aw
- Rémi K. Coulibaly
- Gnomblesson G. Tiahou
- Nogbou E. Assidjo
- p93
- Effect of Lactic Acid Bacteria Starter Cultures on Vitamin and Oligosaccharide Composition of Milk Extracted from Three Common Bean (Phaselous Vulgaris L) Varieties
- Calvince Anino
- Arnold Onyango
- Samuel Imathiu
- Julius Maina
- p103
- Analysis of Health Risk Factors in the Vegetable Production Chain in the City of N'Djamena-Chad
- Nazal Alhadj Markhous
- Abdelsalam Tidjani
- Abdelsalam Adoum Doutoum
- Djamalladine M. Doungous
- Ibrahim Amoukou
- Balla Abdourahamane
- p111
- Assessment of the Risk of Microbial Contamination of an Urban Crop in the City of Daloa (Côte d'Ivoire): Case of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)
- Clément Kouassi Kouassi
- Athanase Kra Kouassi
- Mathurin Konan Yao
- Gustave Adingra Kouassi
- Rose Koffi-Nevry
- p122
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