Microbial and Physical Properties of Probiotic Fermented Milk Supplemented with Lentil Flour
- Fatemeh Zare
- Valerie Orsat
- Claude Champagne
- Benjamin Simpson
- Joyce Boye
Skim milk (9.5 % w/v solid content) was supplemented with 1-3% (w/v) lentil flour or skim milk powder, inoculated with Lactobacillus rhamnosus AD 200 at 37 ?C and stored at 4 ?C. Acid production during the fermentation, microbial growth, physical (pH, syneresis, and color) and rheological (dynamic oscillation temperature sweep test at 4-50 ?C) properties, were studied after production and during 28 days. Milk supplementation with 1-3% lentil flour enhanced acid production, and the microbial population (CFU) of L. rhamnosus was comparable with that of the non-supplemented control after production. After 28 days, the CFU of 2% and 3% lentil-supplemented probiotic were as high as 1% skim milk supplemented sample. All lentil flour-supplemented samples had significantly lower “L” values and higher “b” and “a” values. Probiotic products with 1-3% lentil flour showed higher storage (G?) and loss (G?) moduli compared with 1-3% skim milk supplemented samples and the non-supplemented control.