Israeli Teachers’ Definitions of Morally Courageous Behavior in Education
- Lea Baratz
- Roni Reingold
- Hannah Abuhatzira
This paper examines the content fields of the concept of “teachers’ moral courage” in order to conceptualize itsboundaries. The study’s purpose was to assess the dimensions of morally courageous activity within school life
by qualitatively analyzing of 17 Israeli Secular Public School Teachers and 14 Israeli Religious Public School
teachers’ interviewee defined self-narrative.
The findings reveal that the interviewees’ answers express a profound understanding about the concept of moral
courage, and a content domains definition of morally courageous educational behavior in three realms: the
institution, the curriculum and the personal. Moreover, it reveals that the interviewee’s claim that the Israeli
educational system is characterized by instructional price tags for teachers’ morally courageous behavior.
- Full Text:
- DOI:10.5539/jel.v2n1p92
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- Grace LinEditorial Assistant