The Effect of Teachers' Lexicon Teaching Beliefs on EFL Learners Vocabulary Intake
- Mozhgan Hassankiadeh
- Shahrokh Jahandar
- Morteza Khodabandehlou
Belief is a central construct in every discipline which deals with human behavior and learning (Horwitz, 1985).Also Vocabulary instruction occurs in classrooms every day at a variety of levels and for a variety of purposes.
After all, words are the currency of education. The teacher's beliefs about learning will lead them to different
strategies based on their beliefs and consequently it will effect on the learners' amount of Learning. The
researcher aims at investigating whether such influences are significant regarding learning vocabulary or not.
Language teachers’ beliefs and understandings of teaching as well as learning play an important role in their
classroom practices and in their professional growth. As Harste and Burke (1977) postulated, teachers make
decisions about classroom instruction in light of theoretical beliefs they hold about teaching and learning.
Teachers’ beliefs influence their goals, procedures, materials, classroom interaction patterns, their roles, their
students, and the schools they work in. The present study investigates teachers' beliefs as one of the most
significant issues in education. The researcher wants to identify which one of the teachers' lexicon teaching
beliefs is more effective in enhancing learners' vocabulary intake. The beliefs which are under question in this
study are divided into three groups. The first one is Memory-based, the second one is meaning-based and the last
one is function-based lexicon teaching beliefs. In this study the researcher concluded that On the basis of the
findings, it is possible to make the following statements about learning vocabulary by Iranian EFL learners:
1) The Learners who were taught by teachers with higher level of function-based lexicon teaching beliefs are
superior in promoting their lexicon learning to those who were taught by teachers with higher level of
meaning-based or memory-based lexicon teaching beliefs.
2) The Learners who were taught by teachers with higher level of meaning-based lexicon teaching beliefs are
superior in promoting their lexicon learning to those who were taught by teachers with higher level of
memory-based lexicon teaching beliefs.
3) The learners who were taught by those teachers with higher level of memory-based beliefs are in the lowest
level of promoting their vocabulary learning in contrast with other groups.
- Full Text:
- DOI:10.5539/jel.v1n2p155
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- Grace LinEditorial Assistant