Vol. 12, No. 1 (2020), Journal of Agricultural Science
- Economic Analysis of the Forest Promotion, Forest-Saving Program, Installed in the Southern Half of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil
- Guilherme Casassola Bortolotto
- Romano Timofeiczyk Junior
- David Buratto
- Gustavo Silva Oliveira
- p1
- Yield, Nitrogen Uptake and Nitrogen Leaching of Sensor-Based Fertigation-Cultured Tomato in a Shallow Groundwater Region: Effect of Shallow Groundwater on Tomato Irrigation
- Jinji Zhang
- Zhuangzhuang Cao
- Haibo Dai
- Zhiping Zhang
- Minmin Miao
- p10
- Metabolic Changes in the Blood of Dromedary Camel at Early Post-partum
- M. A. M. M. Shehab-El-Deen
- S. N. Al-Dobaib
- K. A. Al-Sobayil
- p21
- Use of Pressured-Air for Cotton Lint Cleaning
- Ruixiu Sui
- p31
- Effects of Combination Between Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilization on Yield and Quality of Valencia Orange Fruits
- Hien Huu Nguyen
- Toan Nguyen Tai
- p38
- Spatiotemporal Variations in Temperature Accumulation, Phenological Development and Grain Yield of Maize (Zea mays L.)
- Abdul Hamid
- M. Ali Akbar
- M. Jafar Ullah
- Mong Sanue Marma
- M. Mahbubul Islam
- Jatish C. Biswas
- M. G. Neogi
- p46
- Biometry of the Characteristics of Cajazeira (Spondias mombin L.) Stone in Northeast Brazil
- Janilson Pinheiro de Assis
- Roberto Pequeno de Sousa
- Paulo César Ferreira Linhares
- Eudes de Almeida Cardoso
- José Aluísio de Araújo Paula
- Lunara de Sousa Alves
- Maria Francisca Soares Pereira
- Cydianne Cavalcante da Silva
- Glenda Soares de Lira Rosado Nogueira
- Misael Bruno de Araujo Silva
- p58
- Effect of Water Deficit on Gas Exchange Responses to Intercellular CO2 Concentration Increase of Quercus suber L. Seedlings
- Mokhtar Baraket
- Sondes Fkiri
- Ibtissam Taghouti
- Salma Sai Kachout
- Amel Ennajah
- Abdelhamid Khaldi
- Zouhair Nasr
- p73
- Forage Production and Bromatological Composition of Forage Species Intercropped With Soybean
- Carlos Augusto Oliveira de Andrade
- Emerson Borghi
- Leandro Bortolon
- Elisandra Solange Oliveira Bortolon
- Francelino Peteno de Camargo
- Junior Cesar Avanzi
- Vitor Del Alamo Guarda
- Marcelo Kosgen Cunha
- Rubens Ribeiro da Silva
- Rodrigo Ribeiro Fidelis
- p84
- Technological Quality of Dual-purpose Wheat Submitted to Successive Defoliations
- Giselle R. Rodolfo
- Clovis A. Souza
- Luiz C. Gutkoski
- Deivid L. V. Stefen
- p95
- Assessing the Response of Sesame to Inorganic and Organic Nutrient Sources
- Paul Anguria
- George N. Chemining’wa
- Richard N. Onwonga
- Michael A. Ugen
- p108
- Correlations Between Stability Statistics of Forage Production in Elephant Grass
- Rogerio F. Daher
- Bruna R. S. Menezes
- Geraldo A. Gravina
- Benedito F. de Souza Filho
- Ana Kesia Faria Vidal
- Wanessa Fracesconi Stida
- Rafael Souza Freitas
- Alexandre Gomes de Souza
- Antonio Alonso Cecon Novo
- Antonio Vander Pereira
- Paulo Ricardo dos Santos
- p118
- Effect of Food Attractants and Insecticide Toxicity for the Control of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Adults
- Wagner Justiniano
- Marcos Gino Fernandes
- p129
- Substrates and Fertilization of Mamacadela
- Kátia Freitas Silva
- Luciana Borges e Silva
- Elias Emanuel Silva Mota
- Wilian Henrique Diniz Buso
- Mônica Ferreira de Melo
- Nathália Luana Ribeiro Morais
- p138
- Biological Control Associated With Plant Nutrition for Meloidogyne javanica and Pratylenchus brachyurus Management in Soybean
- Ana Paula Mendes Lopes
- Bruna Orlandini Toninato
- Mayra Renata Cruz Soares
- Cláudia Regina Dias-Arieira
- p149
- Termiticidal Activity of Libidibia ferrea var. ferrea and of the Association With Isaria spp. Against Nasutitermes corniger
- Rosineide S. Lopes
- Mônica Cristina B. Martins
- Luciana G. de Oliveira
- Antonio F. da Costa
- Venézio F. dos Santos
- Maria Tereza S. Correia
- Nicácio H. da Silva
- Auristela C. de Albuquerque
- Elza Áurea Luna-Alves Lima
- Vera Lúcia M. Lima
- p159
- Efficacy of Biocontrol Agents Beauveria bassiana and Plant Extracts on Dactylopius opuntiae Cockerell (Hemiptera: Dactylopiidae)
- L. G. Oliveira
- Rosineide S. Lopes
- Venézio Felipe dos Santos
- Elza Aurea Luna-Alves Lima
- Elizabeth A. A. Maranhão
- Antonio F. da Costa
- p171
- Spectral Behavior of Pinus elliottii, Subjected to Drought in Southern Brazil
- Géssyca Fernanda de Sena Oliveira
- Uilian do Nascimento Barbosa
- José Jorge Monteiro Junior
- Diogo José Oliveira Pimentel
- Julianne Moura da Silva
- Lorena de Moura Melo
- Giselle Lemos Moreira
- Gabriela Salami
- Tamires Leal de Lima
- Pierre André Bellé
- Elisiane Alba
- Emanuel Araújo Silva
- Rudiney Soares Pereira
- Adriano Castelo dos Santos
- p179
- Prognostic of the Using Wood of Erythroxylum myrsinites Mart. Under the Anatomic Prism
- Rossana Cortelini da Rosa
- Dione Dambrós Raddatz
- Paulo Fernando dos Santos Machado
- Mario Lima dos Santos
- Alexandro Dias Martins Vasconcelos
- Walmer Bruno Rocha Martins
- Larissa Martins Barbosa D’arace
- Anderson Marcos de Souza
- Cristiane Pedrazzi
- Darci Alberto Gatto
- p188
- Inoculation of Wheat With Azospirillum spp.: A Comparison Between Foliar and In-furrow Applications
- L. V. Correia
- P. H. Felber
- L. C. Pereira
- A. L. Braccini
- D. U. Carvalho
- M. A. da Cruz
- T. C. Matera
- R. C. Pereira
- R. F. Santos
- D. C. V. Marteli
- E. A. F. Osipi
- p194
- Use of Crab Shell (Ucides cordatus) in Portland Cement Matrices
- Roldão Pimentel de Araújo Júnior
- Adão Lincon Bezerra Montel
- José Expedito Cavalcante da Silva
- Sergio Donizeti Ascêncio
- José Maria Rodrigues da Luz
- p200
- Development of a Drink Type Infusion From Coffee Pulp (Arabia coffea) Lempira Variety of Honduras
- Jhunior Abrahan Marcia Fuentes
- Ricardo Santos Alemán
- Leonardo Antonio Chavarría
- Ingris Mary Varela Murillo
- Noreyda Patricia Alvarado
- Ismael Montero Fernández
- p209
- Soybean Rust Epidemics as Affected by Weather Conditions in Brazil
- Gustavo C. Beruski
- Paulo C. Sentelhas
- André B. Pereira
- Gil M. S. Câmara
- Ivan P. A. Junior
- Luis M. Schiebelbein
- p213
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Journal Metrics
- h-index: 67
- i10-index: 839
- WJCI (2022): 1.220
- WJCI Impact Factor: 0.263
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