Understanding Contextual Relation in Promotion Physical Exercise from Autonomy Support

  •  Juan Antonio Moreno-Murcia    
  •  Elisa Huescar Hernandez    
  •  Noelia Belando Pedreno    
  •  Mari Carmen Neipp Lopez    


To analyze the relationship between perception of support for student autonomy and the interaction of different motivational contexts of the intention to do physical exercise from the framework of the trans-contextual model of motivation (Hagger & Chatzisarantis, 2016) was the aim of this study. The sample consisted of 441 adolescents in physical education classes aged between 12 and 16 (Mage = 14.74, SD = .80), who responded to various questionnaires on perceived autonomy support, motivation in the education and leisure contexts, and intention to do exercise. The model was tested using a structural equation model. The results of structural equation modeling [χ2 (48, N = 441) = 489,69, p = .001, χ2/d.f = 3.98, CFI = .94, IFI = .94, TLI = .93, RMSEA = .08] marked that perceived autonomy support from the teacher was positively relacionated with intrinsic motivation in physical education classes, which in turn was positively associated with intrinsic motivation in leisure time. Perceived autonomy support from family and peers was positively associated with motivation in leisure time, which in turn positively associated with the attitude and control standards. While the intention to practice physical activity was positively associated with the main concepts of the theory of planned behavior. Results are discussed in view of the importance of considering the importance of social models in the stage of adolescence, highlighting the role of promoting autonomy and their influence on inter-contextual motivation in physical exercise.

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