Application the GCC Model for Community Counselors' On-the-Job Training to Promote Career Intervention Skills ─ College Specialty-Oriented Career Planning Skills

  •  Huiling Peng    


This study is an action research, a total of 12 community counselors from the community career counseling center for youth, the Taipei Youth Salon in Taiwan, were chosen as the sample, and these research subjects participated two stages of on-the-job training group. The survey results in the "Satisfaction Survey of Community Counselors Participating in GCC on-the job training group" (5-point scale) where the overall satisfaction on the development group of this study is high (M=4.8 and S=0.26); it was not only improving their career intervention skills, but also very helpful for individual stress relief (M=4.9; S=0.36). It is expected that the GCC model will have a seed effect, and the long-term vision is to use the model to train specialty-oriented career counselors/teachers for "specialty-oriented career planning courses" in higher education.

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