Correlation Between “Optimal User Experience” Achieved via Extent of User’s Private Data Being Shared
- Zachary Daniels
Smart Devices have become a fixture in consumers’ lives because of their ability to provide consumers with “Optimal User Experiences.” However, to provide an “optimal user experience,” consumers must give private data to the Smart Devices. The actual sharing of private data is not an issue in consumers’ minds, but the private data’s potential to be hacked is quite concerning. For example, a consumer’s Amazon Alexa Echo could be accessed remotely, and the consumer could be video streamed without their knowledge or consent. The study analyzes the correlations between consumer desire for “Optimal User Experiences” from their Smart Devices and their general perception of sharing their private information to achieve “OUX.” The study attempts to determine the foundational aspects of a wide variety of consumer opinions about their risk tolerance by sharing personal data and their desire for the “OUX” in relation to the Smart Devices they utilize regularly.
- Full Text: PDF
- DOI:10.5539/ijms.v13n1p63
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