The Method of Tadabur Qur’an: What Are the Student Views?

  •  Abas Asyafah    


The underlying problem facing the teaching of Islamic education across Indonesia is the inadequacy and ineffective teaching and learning methods. The teaching of Islam in the institutions of higher education is still limited to conceptualization and memorization. However, the biggest challenge the country faces is the limited research about teaching and learning of Islamic education. Though the Qur’an and hadith are the main sources of Islamic education, there is no method which has been developed in regard to these two sources. In an effort to develop a method based on the Qur’an, this paper seeks to answer the question: (1) what and how is the method of Tadabbur Qur’an in the teaching of Islamic education? (2) what are the students’ views about the method of Tadabbur Qur’an?” Tadabbur Qur’an is regarded as an innovative teaching and learning method whose aim is to improve the condition of the teaching of Islamic education across Indonesia.

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