Perception of Saudi Mothers of Their Children with Down Syndromein Al-Khobar City, Saudi Arabia

  •  Aqil S Al haiz    
  •  Ataur Khan    
  •  Ahmed Abdulmohsen Saleh    
  •  Shaher Al Shehri    
  •  Amr A. Sabra    


PURPOSE: To evaluate the perception (awareness, feeling, belief and intention of attribute, characteristics and behaviors) of Saudi mothers of their children with DS and to identify the possible factors that affect their perception.

MATERIALS & METHODS: A cross sectional survey was conducted in Al-Khobar city, Saudi Arabia (SA),in 2015 involving all Saudi mothers of children with DS in special education schools in the private sector (n=100). Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Al-Khobar city, Saudi Arabia (SA),in 2014involving all Saudi mothers of children with DS in special education schools in the private sector (n=100). Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire.A Spss 21 was used for statistical analysis.

RESULTS: The response rate was 73%. The study found that 53.4% had a positive perception of their children with DS while 46.6 % perceived their children negatively. It is concluded that this positive perception of Saudi mothers of their children with DS related to: the burden (effect) imposed by the children with DS on the family and society, causal attribution of DS, education of children with DS, social integration and discrimination as well as health, treatment and care of the children with DS. The negative perception related to acceptance and joy with DS children, the quality of life of DS children, over-protection and dependence of these children as well as an embarrassment and disappointment of having children with DS.

Accordingly, it is recommended that educational programs be designed form others with children with DS, and for the community to improve mothers' disposition toward their children.

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