Determination of the Impacts of the Existence of Public/Private Clinics (Mix) in the Delivery of Healthcare and Safety Services to the Employees in Nigeria and Malaysia under Healthcare and Safety Reform
- Yahya Saleh Ibrahim
- Mohamad Khan Jamal Khan
Based on the assumption of most health expert, paramedics, health economist, reformists and labor/safety proponents is that, the healthcare and safety services can only be available to common man when the process is partially or fully mixed (public-private). That is to them, the private sector participation in healthcare and safety sect oral service provision is eminent. In the payment for healthcare and safety services it was concluded that, the relative efficiency of payments through private insurance scheme or its impacts on the efficiency of public sector is not debatable. It is also postulated that the private/public mix may evolve the possibility of reduction in administrative bottle necks, improve access at an affordable price, and ensure equity through the use of government control mechanisms. The target respondents were medical doctors, nurses, paramedics, human resource personnel and healthcare and safety beneficiaries in Nigeria and Malaysian higher institution as well as both public and private clinics. A random sampling technique was used. A log-linear and chi-square test was used for the analysis of the750 sample respondents in both Nigeria and Malaysia. The study revealed the following results/relationship between Nigeria and Malaysian National Healthcare Scheme and Safety under reform which show r=0.257 with p=0.000 which is less than 0.05, therefore significant, relationship between public control health and healthcare service delivery for safety under reform revealed r=0.164 and p=0.008 and 0.005 which is significant, so also as reform ensures efficiency in healthcare delivery services to employees it in turn ensures equity and safety of employees with r=201, p=0.006 and 0.005 therefore significant and finally control mechanism instituted by the government ensures access and equity improvement in healthcare and safety services to employees under reform.