Water Quantity and Quality Dimensions in Public and Environmental Health Among the Maasai of Amboseli Area, Kenya

  •  M. M. Okello    
  •  J. W. Kiringe    
  •  Tome Salaton    


A comprehensive water situation analysis is critical in understanding linkages between environmental health, people and livelihoods. This study examined water and public health issues among the Maasai of Kimana near Amboseli National Park. Data was collected on the status, and trends in water quality and quantity, their causes and impacts to the local community using field assessment, interviews with local communities and laboratory analysis on water quality. Results indicated water quantity and quality were declining, and this was attributed to increase in human population, prevalence of irrigated agriculture, and recent climatic changes. The decline was thought to be contamination from human and livestock waste, proximity of homes to water sources, poor sanitation practices, agro – chemicals pollution, high levels of suspended solids and particulate matter. There was a general lack of enforcement by relevant agencies responsible for conservation and use of water resources. Due to communal ownership of resources and lack of resource stewardship, environmental degradation has become prevalent causing soil erosion which contributes to water contamination and sedimentation. A decline in water quantity and quality has led to increased prevalence of waterborne diseases such as dysentery, amoebiosis and typhoid. Therefore the water situation in the Kimana area is leading to negative consequences on the health of local communities. Appropriate intervention strategies are needed to promote sustainable water use and safeguard public health in the area.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
  • ISSN(Print): 1927-0488
  • ISSN(Online): 1927-0496
  • Started: 2011
  • Frequency: semiannual

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