Assessment of the Socio-Economic and Health Impact of Quarrying on the Inhabitants of Kenta Logemo Village in Odeda Local Government Area, Ogun State, Nigeria
- Isiaka A. Hassan
Quarry is a small scale industry generating materials used for construction, thus contributing to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country. This study was carried out to evaluate the socio-economic and health impact of quarry on the inhabitants of Kenta Logemo Village in Odeda Local Government Area, Ogun State. The sampling was carried out in three different distances (100, 200, 300 m) around the quarry site and 1000 m (control). The air quality monitored are (gaseous component) CO2 NO2, CO, volcanic organic compound (VOC) and particulate matters (PM) and noise level. Thirty copies of questionnaire were administered to the workers and inhabitants. The result showed that the gaseous pollutants were more pronounced at 100 m and there were no significant differences (p > 0.05) among the distances and they were below Federal Ministry of Environment (FmEnv) limit. The PM10 at 200 m (137.1 ug/m3 ) was highest among three types of particulate matters and distances monitored. There were no significant differences (p > 0.05) across distances from the quarry. Noise level ranges from 59.3 to 86.3 dB(A) and higher than the control (50. 8 dB(A) but below FmEnv limit (90 dB(A). The analysis of the questionnaire revealed that the vegetation (40.0 %) and animal (46.7 %) were into extinction and threatened and dust (30.0 %) covered food or cash crops. Water bodies were affected by taste, colour and turbidity (63.3 %). Among the diseases suffered were catarrh (53.3 %) and eye irritation (46.7 %). In conclusion, the surrounding of the quarry is not polluted with CO2 NO2, CO, VOC, PM and noise but there is significant effect of the activity of quarry on the health and socio-economic of the inhabitants hence, improved the economic status.
- Full Text:
- DOI:10.5539/enrr.v12n1p29
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- Emily LinEditorial Assistant