Exploring the Effectiveness of Machine Translation for Improving English Proficiency: A Case Study of A Japanese University's Large-scale Implementation

  •  Chiho Toyoshima    
  •  Tsukasa Yamanaka    
  •  Kazuhiro Odagiri    
  •  Kohei Sugiyama    


The potential of machine translation to enhance English language proficiency in university-level education has been the subject of much discussion. This paper presents empirical evidence that supports the notion that learners' English proficiency can improve or remain steady when machine translation is used. The study spanned a one-year period and involved administering objective tests to measure changes in English proficiency. Despite its potential, there is a dearth of empirical evidence on the effectiveness of machine translation in foreign language education. This paper fills this gap by presenting a positive case study of a specific class size. However, the paper acknowledges the need for further research to better understand the mechanisms through which machine translation contributes to improvements or stabilizations in English proficiency.

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