The Role of Symbol in Delivering the Theme of Reviving Power of Sex in Tennessee Williams’ Orpheus Descending
- Ahmadi Mosaabad Masoud
- Ahmad Gholi
Dating back to the second half of Stone Age, Symbol is the mother of art and culture. Being omnipresent, symbols are interwoven to the humans’ life, thereby becoming their inseparable aspect of living. In the realm of literature, they are categorized into two types: public and private. The symbolic import of public symbols is determined by a particular culture while that of private ones is determined by the writer himself/herself. Symbols play different roles in a literary work; one of them is delivering its theme(s). In American literature, Tennessee Williams is well-known for utilizing symbols widely in his plays. In fact, he expressed his world views through the language of symbols. Therefore, this article makes an endeavor to show how guitar as a private symbol pushes forward the theme of life-giving force of sex in Williams’s Orpheus Descending.