The Development of OTOP Product Packaging Design of Maha Sawat Farmer Housewife Group, Nakhon Pathom Province, Thailand
- Wat Ploysri
- Krairop Charoensopa
- Suppawan Pankohlerng
The aims of the study were: (1) to investigate the needs toward product packaging of the farmer housewife group in Maha Sawat, Nakhon Pathom province, (2) to develop the product packaging design of the farmer housewife group in Maha Sawat, Nakhon Pathom province, and (3) to test the product-packaging market from consumers of the farmer housewife group in Maha Sawat, Nakhon Pathom province. The sample included (1) ten participants for analyzing needs toward the product packaging by employing the focus group discussion and (2) two-hundred consumers for testing product-packaging market by using a questionaire. The findings elucidated that (1) the farmer housewife group and consumers needed the product packaging to have a capacity to extend shelf life of the snack, to keep and reopen next time, as well as to protect the product while packing. Besides, the packaging should have the beautiful and attractive logo which can represent the group’s identity and label which can correctly inform the product description as well as should be compact and portable. (2) The packaging of Thai rice crackers (Kao Tung) made by the farmer housewife group in Maha Sawat had the high level of average assessed by the experts. (3) The market-test result on consumers’ satisfaction towards the farmer housewife group’s product packaging demonstrated the average with 4.38 and the standard deviation with 0.55. The market-test result on consumers’ satisfaction towards the product packaging based on gender and age showed that all aspects were insignificantly different.