ESL Teachers’ Perceptions toward the Practices and Prospects of Autonomous Language Learning
- Melor Md Yunus
- Nur Dalila Mohd Arshad
The latest shift in Malaysia Education Blueprint (MEB 2013-2025) has emphasized on the usage of Autonomous Language Learning (ALL) as a teaching and learning approach. In reality, most of the Autonomous Learning traits seem to be missing in the traditional learning process due to the exam-oriented education system that has been applied in Malaysia since the past decades. The objective of this study is to explore the teachers’ perceptions towards ALL practices and prospects knowing that their roles are very crucial in developing Autonomous Learner. A survey was conducted among 35 in service English teachers teaching in Malaysia public secondary schools to explore their insights and views regarding their perceptions, practices and prospects of learner autonomy in their classrooms. The findings revealed that the teachers are very positive towards the implementation despite the discouraging situation of ALL among students.