Development of Methodology to Assess the Effect of Cross-cultural Differences in the Consumer Behavior

  •  Elena Viktorovna Noskova    
  •  Irina MatveevnaRomanova    


The article notes that globalization and the development of international trade leads to an increase in the flow of goods, services, and ideas across borders and cultures, as well as reduction of technological barriers that increases the relevance of cross-cultural research. The purpose of this study is to develop methodological tools to assess the effect of cross-cultural differences in the consumer behavior in the fish and seafood market. A cultural model, reflecting a set of cultural values, the characteristics of material environment (level of scientific and technological development and its potential, natural resources, the level of economic development, and the geographical location of the country), the institutional environment (the value of the family as a social institution, the effect of government regulation and the activities of environmental organizations, as well as the level of literacy and education). The study highlighted specific features of a culture-specific model development with due consideration of fish and seafood markets. The results of testing the proposed survey frame are presented through the example of Asia-Pacific (AP) region countries, such as China, Russia and South Korea.

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